Sunday, May 31

Just a quick shout to my home boys that keep Dummy Squad afloat. Some of the illest choreo that i've seen from these guys, locally and youtubally. Love em or hate em, these guys are just as unique as the choreo that they come up with.

They inspire me to aspire, to keep dancing to keep outside the box.

That what "normal" is, is only majority.

To just do me. (no matter how emo you can get)

That fitted jeans ARE cool


Home boys, and i mean that to the fullest. I learn alot from you guys just by watching you, and even more so from your mistakes. ha!
Dont ever change..... and as you can see from the picture.. you havnt ha!
P.s. If your wondering where this is coming from, i just came from hifi.. and im faded.. ha!

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